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AGC Receives Honda Motor's Supplier Award in the Sustainability Category
AGC (AGC Inc.: Headquarters, Tokyo; President, Yoshinori Hirai), a world-leading manufacturer of glass, chemicals and high-tech materials, received the 2022 Supplier Award from Honda Motor (Honda Motor Co., Ltd.: Headquarters, Tokyo; President, Toshihiro Mibe) in the Sustainability Category. This marks the first time for AGC to receive this award.
The Sustainability Award is presented to Honda Motor's suppliers who have made excellent initiatives in the ESG field.
The AGC Group is working to promote sustainability management with the aim of continuously improving its social and economic value.
This year's award was given in recognition of the Group's activities up to now and its medium- to long-term strategies, including setting sustainability targets for all Companies and SBUs, establishing an action-oriented Sustainability Committee to achieve these targets, and introducing internal carbon pricing.
The AGC Group will continue contributing to the development of a circular society to meet the diverse needs of society and its customers toward the goal of achieving carbon neutrality through all products and corporate activities in 2050.
Chikako Ogawa, General Manager, Corporate Communications & Investor Relations Division
AGC Inc.
Contact: Fujiyama
TEL: +81-3-3218-5603
E-mail: info-pr@agc.com